Sramek Group acquired Cardiax Lab (Asia) to integrate business service
Hong Kong
In April of 2020, Sramek Group officially entered an agreement to acquired 90% equity of Cardiax Lab (Asia), a screening service provider of non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring technologies. It demonstrates Sramek Group’s
commitment to improving clinical outcomes from business partners to end consumers.
Cardiax Lab (Asia) is the pioneering centre in Hong Kong, specializing in applying hemodynamic technology on preventive measures against cardiac issues. The company was founded since 2019 by the Group CEO of Sramek Group Mr Toney Lam. The first flagship centre in Central was established, along with 6 partnering centres all around Hong Kong. In 2020, Cardiax Lab has been introduced to the Asia Market, expanding their service to Singapore and Malaysia in the near future.
Our Mission
As an innovative centre of cardiovascular diagnosis and health care management, our mission is to detect heart issues ahead of times. Moderate heart issues can be relieved by non-drug solutions. We also support cardiologists on drug prescription and identify causes of heart conditions with the help of our cardiac profiles.
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