Sramek Global Inc. is composed of a conglomerate of subsidiary companies to consolidate all business activities and financial outcomes under the same umbrella. Our company is named after the founder, Dr. Bo Sramek, who invented Thoracic Electrical Bioimpedance Cardiac Output technology(TEBCO) to facilitate precise and concise cardiovascular screening. To honor his ingenious invention and contribution, our Group CEO Mr. Toney Lam will assist in reconstructing the company and continue his legacy. Dr. Bo Sramek’s patented technology was utilized by NASA since 1985 and was proven by numerous clinical trials as a legitimate counterpart to Thermodilution (TD). Our smart healthcare service focuses on heart care diagnosis and management for both cardiologists and wellness business operators, with innovative philosophy and revolutionary technology.
Ms. Hevka Sramek, the spouse of Dr. Bo Sramek was appointed to be a non-executive Group Chairman for the Sramek Global Inc. She will provide the company with hands-off advice and inspire development strategies.
Subsidiary Companies
Sramek BioDynamics
Sramek China
Cardiax Lab
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